java platform

hey guys,

I have decided to blog about my java learning journey to be specific I am aiming on becoming an expert in android developement, for that I am starting from java basics since it’s the language used to develop android applications (also refered to as native apps).

before I start:

you might come across unfamiliar terms or you may not fully understand the explanation, you can leave me a comment.

what is java ?:

java is a set of tools, platform and funny enough also a cup of coffee (it was funny when I found out about the coffee part). this set of tools allows you to develop and execute java programs.

A bit of background:

java was born during the Green Project 1992 - 1995 by James Gosling (also named as the father of java). the project was intended to develop language that can be use in embedded systems. Embedded systems are small computers that exist in the microwave, cars, or even your digital watch, to run set of instructions defined to achieve specific tasks such as displaying data etc.

java is write once run anywhere!

what does that mean ? it means if you develop a java program it will run on any operating system.

java is divided into four main components

  • java SE
  • java Me
  • java Card
  • java EE


java language: all these components are based on java (written in java)

  • java SE (java Standard Edition): is the base of the whole platform and it contains the main classes and utils, it also contain different collections that helps you enhance the way you developing the program.

  • java ME (java Micro Edition): is the second component of java platform which intended to be used for internal things such as embedded systems, feature phones that needs to connect to the internet for instance or execute some functionalities, but the real intention was for embedded systems (small devices).

  • java Card: java card is not commonly known, it was intended to be used in cards that contains small processor or small JVM (java virtual machine) for authentication, authorization processes etc, perfect example is the SIM card (Subscriber identity module) the one we all use in our phones. The GM SIM cards are java cards.

  • java EE, java Fx, java TV: these are API (Application Programming Interface) that allow you to have access to specific sections of functionalities such as java TV (streaming, videos, audio, media in general) or java Fx, is the evolution of java suite, to create stand-alone desktop applications.
    • java EE (Enterprise Edition) it’s an API that allows you to develop server-side logic for web apps or even desktop apps as demonstrated in the picture
  • java EE and java Fx uses java SE technology, and also because of todays powerful processors we can run different programs allowing us to achieve more complex functionalities


we learned about java platform components - java standard Edition - java Micro Edition - java card - java Enterprise Edition

Written on January 31, 2017